Country en Els Hostalets de Balenya - 1ª parte (02/02/13)

Lista de bailes

1Electric Slide
2Lindie shuffle
3Crazy Postman
4Cowboy Charleston
5Country as can be
6Cut a Rug
7Flying Sparx
8Precious Time
9In a letter to you
10Shakin' Mix
11This & That
12Come dance with me
13Quijote cowboy
14Black Velvet
15Something in the water
16The country queen
17Irish stew
18Two Boys
19A bombon
20Boogie Cowboy
21Eating right, drinking bad
22Magic moon
23Go cat Go
24Jamaican run
25Radio romp

   2 de febrero
   19:00 horas
   21:30 cena

   La Nau
   Hostalets de Balenya