Country en Castellar del Valles (24/10)

Lista de bailes

19 to 5
21.000 Years or more
3Ace In The Hole
4Alpen Polka
5Badda Boom Badda Bang
6Cowboy Charleston
7Cowgirl Hustle
8Coyote Cowgirl
10Come Dance With Me
11History Lake
12Live, Laugh, Love
13Nice Work
14No Quitter
15On The Rocks
16Overnight Heartache
17Pitter Patter
18Play It Again Sam
19Rose Garden
20Sleep Tonight
21TN Rock
22Tush Push
23Thanks a Lot
24Your Chance To Dance
25Wave on wave

   24 de octubre
   Espai Tolra
   C\ Portugal
   Castellar del Valles